Belief and Unbelief
Life’s easier when things are clear cut. Right versus wrong, good versus evil. It’s when lines are blurred that things can get complicated.
The same is true when we answer the question: why are we Catholic?
If our answer is too complicated, or blurry, or full of fluff, then it’s like the house built on sand.
Despite the gravity and intimidation of the question above, the answer can be rather simple.
There are three steps that lead you to the Catholic Church:
God exists.
Jesus Christ is God.
The Catholic Church is the Church founded by Him.
If we accept these truths, then the Catholic Church is the logical conclusion. If we (or someone we encounter) have doubts about the Catholic faith, it often comes down to an issue with one of these points.
We should prayerfully consider these truths in our own lives, and also keep them in mind when we encounter people who struggle with unbelief.