Welcome! This is Summons.
This is Summons, a newsletter with daily reflections for Catholic men (Mon-Fri).
"One must live the way one thinks or end up thinking the way one lives."
The relationship between thought and action. One follows the other. So, why's this significant?
Well, in our modern world, this relationship is often exploited. People pay a premium price to flood our minds with thoughts that aren't our own (just think of advertisers). They do this because they know action follows. And then, we find ourselves acting in ways we never thought we would and worse, our thoughts get dragged down right behind. And, so it goes. Thought follows Action (and vice versa).
What's the solution? We need to break the cycle, or at least fix it. How? We need to start living intentionally.
Intentional about our actions. And, intentional about what we think about (and what we expose our minds to). You can see where I am going with this.
This is partly why Summons was started. To challenge us men to act and think intentionally. And, to take it a step further, as Catholic and Christian men, it's not just about acting and thinking intentionally but intentionally ordered toward the highest Good, Heaven.
Thought and action. It can be a beautiful relationship that raises us up, if we live intentionally.
Before I sign off here, I want to leave you with another quote for the rest of your day...
"Dead bodies float downstream; it takes live bodies to resist the current."- Fulton Sheen
Are we going to idly go with the flow, or fight against the current?