All of us are called to lead in one way or another. In your own life, who is it that you’re leading? Who’s depending on you? Who’s counting on you?
For many of us, it’s our families. Kids are almost completely dependent, even on the most basic level — they need a lot. When you factor in what they need to not only survive, but to thrive and grow into adults with strong moral character, it’s a steep uphill battle.
Factoring in other relationships with friends, coworkers, and other members of the community, we often find ourselves coming up short. The people in our lives need more than we ourselves can give.
When there’s this deficit in what we need to give versus what we can give, the next question is, how can we make up the difference? Next, who are we depending on?
As adult men, it’s hard to admit that we ourselves aren’t enough. But in order to live the lives we’re called to, to do God’s will and lead those who are counting on us, we must find a source of strength and grace. And, there’s only one source that will suffice — God Himself.
We must learn to turn to God each and every day. Make him the foundation of your daily life. Offer Him the first fruits of each morning. Let your prayer life become that source from which all love and goodness springs forth into your life and your relationships.
People are counting on us, so count on Him first and foremost.