Some people attend Mass because their grandmothers went. Or, because faith was a part of their family life.
While this may still be the case for some, for many more people faith is a decision, or a series of decisions. It’s not a default. Religious life is no longer ingrained in our culture like it used to be.
Let’s be honest here — Catholicism isn’t popular. There’s no fame or wealth that comes with being Catholic. And, the people that try to make loving Jesus look ‘cool’ and ‘hip,’ usually fall flat on their face.
The Catholic faith isn’t pop culture, it’s counter-cultural.
To go with the times is easy — just do what everyone else does. But, fighting against the current takes effort, willpower, and grace.
It requires that we make a choice each and every day to serve God, not man. To follow Truth, not opinion. To take up our crosses, not turn our backs on them.