Creatures of Habit
We are creatures of habit. Succeeding in work, exercise, eating right, and prayer is much easier when it becomes part of a routine. Unfortunately, routines bite us in the butt when it comes to sin.
How many times do you find yourself repeating the same sins in the confessional? It’s frustrating and discouraging. But, when it comes to sin, it’s not only forgiveness and absolution that we seek, it’s healing.
Reconciliation is exactly that — reconciling ourselves with God. It’s not just about wiping away the sinful dirt and grime on our souls, but it’s a chance to re-right our course.
A fresh start is in itself an amazing gift, but so often, we just leave it at that. It’s good for now, but in a matter of time, we’re overcome by the same temptations.
Something has to give. Confessing our sins also requires repentance, a changing of our ways. Not just cleaning up the ‘old man’, but letting him die so the ‘new man’ can emerge.
Repentance is not an easy road, but by the grace of God, we can be healed.