Extraordinary Graces
Sometimes, when reflecting on faith, it’s not a whole passage or story that strikes me—it’s a single word or phrase. I can’t always explain why it resonates, only that it does. One such phrase is this:
Extraordinary graces for ordinary moments.
Isn’t that what we need—and what we pray for—every day? We live ordinary lives. Not boring or unimportant, but simple and grounded. Yet even in their simplicity, our lives are full of challenges, decisions, and responsibilities that require grace.
Parents with young children might feel this especially. The constant, everyday demands of parenting—diapers, school lunches, bedtime routines—can seem ordinary, but they stretch us in extraordinary ways. We need extraordinary grace to navigate the patience, generosity, and sacrifice those moments require.
But here’s the beauty: the inverse is also true. Sometimes, we’re given ordinary grace for extraordinary moments.
Grace, by its nature, is not rare or reserved for special occasions. It’s the steady, faithful help of God available to us at all times. Even when we face extraordinary trials—grief, sickness, or life-changing decisions—His grace meets us there. What feels overwhelming to us is ordinary to Him. His power cuts through with precision and strength, sustaining us in ways we can’t fully understand.
So whether it’s extraordinary graces for the everyday or the steadying presence of ordinary grace in extraordinary moments, one thing is certain: God is always near, ready to help.
Lean into Him. Ask for His grace in the big and small, the mundane and the monumental. He gives it freely—and abundantly.