Following Christ is more than just ‘showing up,’ especially when it comes to attending Mass. It’s creating fertile ground within ourselves for God to work, for Him to bear fruit.
When we see practicing the faith as a process of checking off boxes, we miss this goal. Our souls are left dry and our hearts harden.
Of course, God can bring goodness out of anything, but He wants our help, He wants us to play a part.
Thus, we must create suitable environments in our lives for God’s grace to work.
We must pull the weeds, purging ourselves through discipline, prayer, fasting, and penance. And then, nourish the soil of our soul with the sacraments, scripture, and quality ‘food.’
This is a conscious effort. It's active, not passive. We must pray for God to work in us, so that we can be open to receive Him, to bear fruit, and reap the harvest.