Hunger and Thirst
“You must hunger and thirst for God’s will alone.”
I recently read this during prayer. I’d tell you who said it, but there wasn’t a reference for the quote.
Hunger and thirst are often used as metaphors for desire and what we long for. But, in this context, the metaphor goes much further than that.
You see, because we desire lots of things. I desire to go to the Grand Canyon or to read A Tale of Two Cities. But, I’m not thinking about the Grand Canyon when I’m at work. And once I read A Tale of Two Cities, I probably won’t read it again. (I don’t know, maybe it’s so good I’ll read it twice).
That’s not how hunger and thirst are. These are desires that we can’t really escape, even our satisfaction and satiation lasts only for a time. Hunger and thirst come back again. They always will.
Let it be so for our desire to do the Lord’s will. It’s not a one time thing like I did it and now I’m good. No, let it gnaw at you. Let it drive you. Let it be on your mind always.
Hunger and thirst to do God’s will.