Jesus' Biceps
Did Jesus have muscles?
Jesus was a carpenter, a working man — it’s pretty safe to assume that of course He did.
Although this is a bit humorous to talk about, our culture always wants to paint a different picture of Christ. Many want to describe Jesus as simply a great teacher, or maybe a love-spreading hippie. Or, a man who wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone say anything to offend someone.
But, these wishy-washy, watered down versions of Jesus most people see aren’t the truth. Jesus didn’t walk on eggshells.
He spoke truthfully and honestly. He challenged people, and it sometimes made them uncomfortable. At times, so uncomfortable that they stopped following Him.
The real Jesus is challenging. And, our ‘you-do-you’ culture doesn’t like ‘challenging.’ So, Jesus becomes tame and domesticated, with luscious locks of hair and a whispering voice.
But, here’s a description of Jesus that most people probably haven’t heard:
“Then I saw the heavens opened, and there was a white horse; its rider was called ‘Faithful and True.’ He judges and wages war in righteousness. His eyes were like a fiery flame, and on his head were many diadems. He had a name inscribed that no one knows except himself. He wore a cloak that had been dipped in blood, and his name was called the Word of God. The armies of heaven followed him, mounted on white horses and wearing clean white linen. Out of his mouth came a sharp sword to strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod, and he himself will tread out in the wine press the wine of the fury and wrath of God the almighty. He has a name written on his cloak and on his thigh, ‘King of kings and Lord of lords.’” Revelations 19:11-16
That is our Lord. That is our Savior. Live, Jesus.