Last Words
As we step into this new year, after welcoming Jesus at Christmas, it’s worth reflecting on the “end of the story”—the powerful moment when our Lord ascends into heaven. His parting words, spoken to His disciples, resonate through time:
“And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20)
This is not just the closing line of the Gospel of Matthew; it is a promise. A promise that echoes in every moment of our lives, even 2,000 years later.
What a remarkable farewell—and what an extraordinary blessing! The story didn’t end with the Ascension. Far from it. Christ remains with us: In His Spirit, in the Eucharist, in our hearts.
As we journey into this new year, let us carry His promise with us: we are never alone. Christ is here, just as He promised, “until the end of the age.”