Mass Distraction
The Devil is real. He hates God, he hates His Kingdom, and he wants to keep us away from our true home. There is a battle for our souls — a spiritual warfare — and if we continue to deny the battle exists, we’ve already lost.
We are under attack, and there’s one place in particular where the Devil especially wages war…the Mass. The celebration of the Eucharist, “the source and summit of the Christian life” (CCC 1324).
Attending Mass can’t be something that we nonchalantly walk into. We must be prepared to receive our Lord and to battle temptation.
If you haven’t noticed, it’s really easy to get distracted during Mass. It’s hot, the kneelers are uncomfortable, a baby’s crying, I think my friends are sitting in front of me, that altar server just passed out, I’m sleepy, the homily is way too long today...the list goes on and on.
The moment we enter church, we become preoccupied with everyone there. You get the feeling that everyone is staring at you, wondering why you haven’t picked a seat yet, or why you’re wearing that shirt.
Immediately, the focus is pulled away from Christ, which is the real reason we are all there. Why does this happen? We’re afraid. We’re afraid to be reverent, to sing, to pray, to genuflect, to take our faith seriously.
But, if we don’t take our faith seriously in Mass, how can we expect to do so in public? How can we glorify the Lord with our lives if we don’t glorify Him while we’re in Mass?
Do not be afraid to sing, to pray, to genuflect, to make the sign of the cross. Do not be afraid to be Catholic.