Men at Work
If you’re a parent, you probably know that kids are works in progress.
And even if you’re not a parent, you probably know that kids aren’t perfect. They throw tantrums, they don’t share at times, and they can have frustrating tendencies. It’s not (always) a reflection on the kids’ parents, it’s often just where they are in life.
The same is true for all of us, though. We are all works in progress.
Like kids, we’re all just trying to figure stuff out. We’re trying to learn and grow. Some of us might be further along in some areas, but catching up in others. But, no one is a completed masterpiece.
It’s all a process and a journey, one in which we walk with others. We get help and give help.
We’ve all encountered people who are ‘practicing Catholics,’ yet they seem to be living lives in clear contradiction of what the Church teaches on big issues.
While our first reactions are perplexity, confusion, and a bit of frustration, it’s important to remember that we don’t know where they are in life, and we don’t know what’s going on in their hearts.
In these cases, we must remember that we don’t have to beat people over the head with the Truth, but by no means should we hide it or water it down. For their sake, and for our own, we must speak the Truth lovingly, understanding that just like us, they are works in progress.
Our words may not bear fruit today, but we should still plant the seed.