Off Key
Have you ever been to a Mass where the music was so bad that you might even consider it borderline disrespectful? Yeah, I’m sure all of us have.
During Masses like this, it’s easy to forget why we’re there.
We don’t go for the music, or the homily, or to chat with friends after. Those are all good things, but they’re not the real reason we go. We go for Christ, to encounter Him in the most Blessed Sacrament.
Plenty of things tend to help (or hinder) that encounter, and those things are often out of our control. But, what’s not out of our control is what we bring to the table, how we enter the holy sacrifice.
There will be times when the music is bad, or the cantor’s off key, or the homily is long, or the air conditioning is broken, or kids are crying, but none of that changes the fact that Christ is still there.
We can get angry, frustrated, and complain, or we can remember that truth.