Only an Ember
Many times, sin isn’t something that ‘just happens.’ We never walk along the sidewalk — and then boom! — we stumble upon sin. Sin is often a process that builds up over time.
And, sometimes the process can be very slow moving. Temptation wears us down...slowly...slowly...until our deepest weaknesses manifest.
A week prior you might have been on fire with faith, but now you’re hanging on the precipice of sin, and you barely have the strength to resist temptation.
Of course in those moments, we should hold on with every bit of strength we have, but we also need to take a step back and ask how we got to that point. Where did that path to sin start? Where did the process begin?
Maybe last week you watched a movie that you probably shouldn’t have. Or, maybe you had one beer more than normal, or decided to hop on Instagram late at night. These things might not be bad in themselves, but they can be catalysts that send us spiraling. And, it’s important to note that one of these instigators might not affect you like it affects someone else, and vice versa.
But, we must be able to identify what these catalysts are — some of us can probably name them already.
Once we are aware of our weaknesses, it becomes easier to see them coming, and then nip them in the bud.
It’s easier to stamp out sin when it’s only an ember.