Paper Mirrors
Nearly a year ago, I officially launched the Examination Journal—a prayer journal designed to help Catholics pray a daily examination of conscience.
In many ways, this journal serves as a paper mirror.
Without reflection, it’s easy to drift through life on autopilot. We react without thinking, speak without listening, and act without understanding why. When we don’t take time to examine ourselves, we miss the opportunity to grow.
But when we journal—or even simply pray the examen—we create a space for that reflection. We hold up the mirror.
In that space, we can revisit our thoughts, words, and actions from the day. We can ask God to shed His light on them, revealing what is hidden, healing what is broken, and refining what is good.
The beauty of this process is that it’s not about self-criticism. It’s about seeing ourselves as God sees us.
Through His grace, the mirror becomes a window—showing us who we are and who we are called to be.