Rejoice in the Goodness
Have you ever struggled with celebrating? It sounds kind of silly, but whenever something good happened in your life, were you hesitant to celebrate it? It’s almost like a self-defense mechanism saying, “don’t celebrate just yet, it could all be taken away.” You might even think you’re going to ‘jinx’ yourself.
Very, very few things in this life last. Even many good things go away eventually. But, just because they go away doesn’t mean that God’s punishing us. They simply weren’t meant to last. It also doesn’t help that we don’t know what fruit God wants to bear in our lives, and we don’t know His plan for doing so. For us, it just goes back to trust.
Rejoice in the goodness.
God continues to bless all of us in big ways and small. We tend to focus on the blessings we aren’t receiving, or the ones that were seemingly “taken away,” or how they could be taken away. But, this is what we need to remember — rejoice in the goodness. Let joy and thanksgiving surge from God’s blessings. It takes vulnerability, but if we don’t rejoice in goodness, when would we?