We just celebrated the Baptism of the Lord. In that momentous scene, we hear these striking words from St. John the Baptist:
“One mightier than I is coming after me. I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.” (Mark 1:7)
There’s undoubtedly rich historical context to this image, but as a father of young kids, my mind goes straight to the everyday reality of putting shoes on a squirming two-year-old.
It’s rarely a peaceful moment. They wiggle, squirm, and sometimes outright resist—as if shoes are the enemy! What starts as a simple task can quickly turn into a full-blown wrestling match. More often than not, we just carry our daughter to the car without her shoes and figure it out later.
It’s not a glamorous job, to say the least. And yet, with this image in mind, John’s words hit me even harder: “I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of His sandals.”
Even this seemingly menial act—stooping down to untie a sandal—is one John humbly proclaims himself unworthy to perform for Jesus.
The word that comes to mind is reverence.
Reverence transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. It acknowledges the greatness of God, even in the smallest of gestures. John saw Christ for who He truly is—the One mightier than all, the Lamb of God—and his humility reflects the deep awe and reverence we are called to have in our own lives.
It’s a humbling reminder for us as well. The mundane tasks, the small acts of service we do for others, especially those that feel thankless or unnoticed, can become moments of reverence when done with love and humility.