Day to day, it’s tough to see change in our lives — whether it’s losing weight, learning the guitar, or growing in our faith. All we can do is put in the time each and every day, and trust that we’ll progress.
Although, when it comes to our faith, it’s arguably more difficult to see change because it’s all internal and personal. We don’t look different, and we don’t gain some skill that we didn’t have before as a result of growing in our faith.
When we don’t see the change, we can get discouraged and let our efforts dwindle. Sunday Mass becomes a struggle because we don’t ‘get anything out of it.’
But, it’s in these moments when we need to double-down on our commitment and trust in God.
Let’s say we go to Mass every Sunday. This equates to us attending Mass about 52 times per year.
Now, if we can give one extra hour and go to Daily Mass once per week, that previous number jumps to 104 Masses per year. We double our time spent in the sacrament — pretty simple math, right?
But, that’s twice as many homilies, readings, Our Fathers, prayer intentions, and blessings than our ‘normal’ year. And, that’s just if we give one extra hour per week!
If we can attend Daily Mass three times per week, that’s 208 Masses in one year. If we attend Mass daily, that equals 365 Masses total, and that’s seven times our normal year of weekly Mass.
We can literally add years worth of Masses to our lives! We can receive the Blessed Sacrament seven times as often as we normally would. Seven years worth in one year.
If we make a commitment like that — doubling, tripling, or even septupling our encounters with Christ — do you really think that you won’t change?