Somebody else will
“Somebody else will.”
Those words can be dangerous. The idea that we don’t have to act because someone else will step in is a convenient excuse—until it isn’t.
As a parent, you learn quickly how unreliable that mindset is. No one else is going to change that diaper at 2 a.m. It’s on you. And while parenting makes this painfully clear, the truth applies to every aspect of life.
Think about it:
There’s a piece of trash on the ground. Somebody else will pick it up.
An elderly woman struggles with a case of water. Somebody else will help.
A stranger is crying on a park bench. Somebody else will comfort them.
A dad yells harshly at his child in public. Somebody else will say something.
But what if nobody else does?
The truth is, sometimes, that somebody is us.
If not you, then who?