The Call
In the Gospels, we often hear about how the apostles were called. It usually follows a simple pattern:
They were doing one thing. Jesus shows up and says, "Follow me." They stop what they’re doing, and they follow Him.
That’s the formula. And I’d wager the same is true for us. At some point in our lives—perhaps at many points—we’ve been on one path, doing one thing, when the Lord called us. It might have been through reading Scripture, listening to a talk, being challenged by a friend, or maybe something more direct.
But there’s always a call. And then there’s a response. It’s important to remember: not doing anything is itself a response.
When has God asked you to follow Him? Have you ever stopped to think about that?
In the Gospels, there’s a physical aspect to this call. The apostles literally followed Jesus—they walked behind Him. But beyond that, the call is deeper. Christ wasn’t just asking them to follow with their feet; He was calling them to follow with their hearts, their minds, and their souls. To do what He does. To live as He lives. To love as He loves.
That’s the call. The question is: what’s our response?