The Cost of Miracles
In life, we often come across ‘miracles’ — miracle drugs, miracle diets, miracle cures, and the list goes on.
If there’s something that we want that we can get with X, Y, or Z, and if it doesn’t cost too much or isn’t super risky, we’re willing to try it.
I want to be healthier, so I think I’ll try drinking lemon water mixed with Himalayan salt before I eat some goji berries. How odd does that sound?
As humans, we have the desire to be better, and if we find something that gives us a chance to improve, most of us would take it.
Now, let’s turn to our faith. Faith in Jesus Christ offers us so much more than simply ‘being better,’ it offers us the chance to live forever. To have an eternal life in Heaven.
Isn’t that worth the cost? Isn’t that the pearl of great price that we should be willing to sell all in order to possess?
Even at a basic level — aside from eternal life — if faith makes us a better person, isn’t that also worth the cost? As Catholics, we know this. We know that the Church and our faith makes us better. Let us be joyful witnesses to that truth.