The Fight Within
As men, husbands, fathers, and followers of Christ today, there are a lot of battles to fight. But for all of us, the first battle to fight is within ourselves.
The reality is that we can’t give what we don’t have. We can’t share a faith that we ourselves don’t practice. We can’t lead others to holiness when we ourselves are not striving to be holy. We can’t bring others to truth if we ourselves are not pursuing it in our own lives. We can’t bring others to God when we don’t know Him.
To positively impact the world around us, we must start with ourselves. It’s not selfish, it’s just flat out necessary.
To fight this battle within us, we need time alone with God. We need time for self reflection to learn more about our own weaknesses and tendencies. We need silence. We need solitude. We need time to process all of the data that we are constantly taking in. We need solid ground to return to when fighting our inner battles.
And that, brothers in Christ, is daily prayer.