The Hidden Life
Throughout scripture, Christ’s actions and words teach us many lessons. One of those lessons is the importance of embracing the ‘hidden life.’
While on Earth, Christ veiled His divinity behind His humanity, only revealing His greatness at certain times during his public ministry. And even when He revealed His greatness through healing, raising someone from the dead, driving out demons, or even at the Transfiguration, He instructed those present to tell no one…until His time has come.
Several scripture passages reflect this teaching:
“When you pray, enter your chamber and shut the door.”
“When you fast, anoint your head and wash your face.”
“When you give alms, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”
Matthew 6:1-18
When we do these things only to be seen by other men, we are not fully devoting ourselves to God.
The importance of the ‘hidden life’ comes down to whose love we are seeking: men’s or God’s. (Hint: The answer should be God’s). But, this is difficult. We all want to be praised and recognized for our works. Think about the times when we secretly do something special for someone — we can’t help but feel the urge to blurt out, “It was me!”
And, that’s where we see practicing the ‘hidden life’ isn’t really the hard part — it’s remaining in the ‘hidden life.’ It’s patiently, humbly, and silently waiting for our reward in Heaven. The Father who sees you in secret, will reward you in secret.