The Land of Answers
“Once you knew what inquiry was for. There was a time when you asked questions because you wanted answers, and were glad when you had found them. Become that child again: even now… Thirst was made for water; inquiry for truth.”
This is a quote from the book The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Here’s the context: two former friends are conversing in the foothills of Heaven. One friend (the speaker) is a resident of Heaven, and the other is visiting from Purgatory.
The visitor from Purgatory is trying to make the point that there is no final answer. That the ‘pursuit of answers’ supersedes the actual finding of those answers. Of course, the irony is that he’s standing in the “land not of questions but of answers.”
Asking questions is a good thing — an exercise of our intellect. But, we should also remember that we ask questions not for the sake of asking them, but to actually learn the truth.
And in matters of faith, there’s two ways to view truth. We can come to know the truth about Jesus, but it doesn’t stop there. We must strive to know Jesus, Truth Himself.
It can be said that we know more about Jesus than the apostles did. The big difference between us and the apostles is that they actually knew Jesus. They lived with Him, ate with Him, talked with Him. He was a part of their lives, and He should be a part of ours.
Questions are made for answers. Seek to know the Truth.