The One Hero
The world needs heroes.
It’s hard to find heroes to root for in today’s world. It seems like the list of celebrities, athletes, and politicians accused of sexual assault grows daily, let alone the drugs, corruption, and who knows what else lurking in the news. It’s a reminder that behind the facade are flaws...just like the rest of us.
We are so attracted to the facade because we all want to be like the heroes portrayed in the media. To throw the winning pass, to save the day, to change the world. It’s the kind of stuff that fills our daydreams and gets our hearts racing.
Those ‘once in a lifetime’ moments aren’t what make heroes, though, and we should be thankful for that.
Heroes are people who do the right thing when it’s easier not to.
We don’t need to win Super Bowls, or hold office, or play heroes in movies. We just need to do the right thing when it’s easier not to.
Now, of course that’s easier said than done. But, that’s the challenge — to defend the truth when it’s easier to be quiet, to step in when it’s easier to stand by, to own up when it’s easier to push the blame, to bear the burden when it’s easier to walk away.
While we aim to seek out the best in others, we’re reminded that there’s truly one Hero to strive to emulate. He was scourged, beaten, mocked, humiliated, abandoned, crucified, and died when it would have been easier if he said “You’ve got the wrong guy. I didn’t do or say those things,” instead.