Time of Prayer
As members of the Body of Christ, we all have different roles and parts to play. But, there’s one thing that all of us can (and should) do...pray.
We all know the importance and power of prayer, but we still fail in making it an integral part of our lives. We make all kinds of excuses: I don’t have the time! I don’t ‘feel’ much of anything when I pray. I don’t really know what to say...
But, how often do we find time for literally anything else in our day? Hint: it’s pretty often. Yet, prayer is the one thing that we claim we don’t have time for.
Many times, we won’t ‘feel’ anything, and that’s okay. But, how much more love can we show God by praying when we don’t feel like it?
We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. There is a time and place for original, spontaneous prayer, but there is also power in the prayers that the Church has prayed for two thousand years.
Don’t overcomplicate it. Lean on the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory Be, the Rosary, the Psalms, the Liturgy of the Hours, and the Mass itself.
Our role can start by simply beginning each day with the Our Father.