Top Billing
For some, talking about the topic of vocation may sound a bit boring, especially if you went to K-12 Catholic School or CCD.
Yeah, yeah...I get it. Listen for and follow your calling, uniquely created by God. I’ve heard it at least a hundred times.
However, understanding vocation is extremely important for Catholics, but for Catholic men especially.
To start, just so everyone’s on the same page — by vocation, we’re talking about our state in life that is the avenue by which we are called to know, love, and serve God, and ultimately reach Heaven. For example, someone’s vocation, or path to Heaven, may include being a husband and father. And, it may be the case that most of you reading this are in the same boat (or will be some day).
If you remember back to your religion and CCD classes, vocations typically include the Priesthood, Religious life, Single Life, and Married Life.
Knowing this, it’s important to ask ourselves: Does my career serve my vocation, or does my vocation serve my career?
In other words, which gets the ‘top billing’ in your life?
Aren’t those scenarios the same thing? In short, no. Our career is the work we do. And, our vocation is much higher than that, or at least it should be.
Working may help you fulfill your vocation as a husband and father, but you’re not getting to Heaven because you’re a good employee.
Our culture makes us think backwards by telling us that there’s greater value in our work than in being a husband or a father. It’s no wonder there’s a crisis of manhood, declining marriages, and a lack of good dads.
Maybe, it’s time we reevaluate our lives and get our ‘house’ in order.