Walk and Chew Gum
While multi-tasking is darn near impossible, we undertake a kind of multi-tasking in praying the Rosary, but in a way that leads to our flourishing...not floundering. Many folks used to (or still do) think that the Rosary is just reciting a number of prayers. While that’s one essential part of praying the Rosary, we mustn’t forget the other essential element, which is meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary.
Here are Our Lady’s words to Blessed Alan De La Roche:
“When people say one hundred and fifty Angelic Salutations (Hail Mary’s) this prayer is very helpful to them and is a very pleasing tribute to me. But they will do better still and will please me even more if they say these salutations while meditating on the life, death, and passion of Jesus Christ — for this meditation is the soul of this prayer.”
It’s not just about saying the prayers. It’s meditating on the life, death, and passion of Jesus Christ. Our Lady is not just telling us about the technicalities of how to pray the Rosary. She’s also revealing that Christ is at the heart of the Rosary — “the soul of this prayer.”