Our lives are a war against sin, and we will lose many battles. We will give into temptation, driving a wedge between us and God.
But, in those moments, all is not lost. We must dust ourselves off and get back up. We must repent.
Repenting, by definition, means that we are turning away from evil and turning toward the good. By failing to repent, we allow the enemy to run rampant in our hearts. We allow sin to fester in our souls, and that comes with deadly consequences.
We not only experience the natural effects of sin (sinful pleasures), but we are choosing to let that sin become a habit and a vice. Just like any other habit, it becomes harder and harder to break.
We become addicted to sin. We let evil become our ‘good’ that must be fulfilled, and the real good is seen as ‘evil’ because it keeps us away from our (sinful) desires.
This is an extremely dangerous place to be in. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” (Isaiah 5:20) As we dive deeper and deeper into this abyss, it becomes more difficult to find our way back out.
Therefore, it is our duty and our job in this battle to resist sin with total effort, and when we fall, to get back up again...and again...and again.