"What men say of me"
This may not be the case for past generations, but it seems that recent times are marked by an obsessive care for what other people think.
The onslaught of smartphones and social media certainly hasn’t helped this mark. We are more connected to each other than we've ever been, meaning more people know and see us, even if it’s just online. It's like when you walk into a restaurant and have that 'feeling' that everyone is looking at you.
Now, don't get me wrong. Sometimes, it's important and valuable to get outside insight or advice from a trusted friend or family member. But, at the end of the day, there's only one opinion that we should truly care about: God's opinion.
"I do not care very much what men say of me, provided that God approves of me." —Saint Thomas More
Are we seeking His approval? Are we aware of when we let God down? Or, are we more concerned about the approval from man?
Let us turn to Saint Thomas More as a role model when we are seeking approval.