Where's the Good?
Oftentimes, what’s good for us and what we want are at odds.
We know that eating right and exercising is good for us, but lounging on the couch while popping chips in our mouths sounds really enticing.
We know that hard work is noble and helps many people, but we find ourselves watching YouTube all day.
We know that prayer is good for us, but in the moment, we want to sleep in for another ten minutes.
You can see that what’s good for us loses to what’s not necessarily bad for us, but it’s definitely not as good.
If we want to grow in our faith and become better men, husbands, and fathers, we have to recognize the good in our lives. And, we must cultivate the habit of acting on the good.
Doing it once isn’t enough — it must be habitual. That is virtue. So today, let’s ask ourselves, where’s the good?