Who You Are
In the 1300s, Christ appeared to Saint Catherine of Siena saying, “Do you know, daughter, who you are, and who I am? If you know these things, you will be blessed. You are she who is not; whereas I am He who is.”
At times in our lives, we don’t always grasp this idea. We rely on ourselves, striving for sainthood by our own strength.
But as Christ said, it’s in knowing our place in relationship with God where we become blessed. Another word for knowing our place in relation to our Creator is humility.
There is nothing more humbling than the realization that we are in fact nothing, and that apart from Christ, we can do nothing.
But, the key phrase here is “apart from Christ.”
We are nothing, but God who is everything loves us and wants us to be with Him.
This knowledge should drive our thoughts and actions.
Our faith life flows from knowing that we are sinners in need of a Savior That we are lowly creatures, responding with praise and giving thanks to our Creator. Acts of charity toward our neighbors stem from the blessings and graces we have received, but certainly don’t deserve.
“If you know these things, you will be blessed.” It starts with knowing who we are, and who God is.