One of my favorite Bible stories is when Jesus heals the man with the withered hand on the Sabbath.
It plays out like an old Western showdown. The Pharisees are watching, thinking, “Don’t do it, don’t do it.” And Jesus? He just stares them down… and boom—the man is healed.
I recently reread this story in Matthew’s Gospel, and what struck me was how completely the Pharisees miss the point. It’s a recurring theme with them, actually. These are the people who should have recognized the Messiah, and yet they’re the ones who miss Him.
What’s interesting is that they’re not oblivious to what’s happening; it’s that they’re locked into their own agenda. They don’t deny the miracle—they see it. But their reaction is basically to tattle: “Look! He’s breaking the Sabbath rules!”
Mind you, they’re talking about a miracle. An actual miracle.
When I read this story, I can’t help but imagine someone else in the crowd leaning over to the Pharisees and whispering, “Hey, just be quiet and watch.”
Leave your own agenda at the door. Just watch. Be quiet, and watch.