A few comments: 1) I’d suggest not asking and answering your own questions; 2) try asking the “marginalized” whether they feel welcome; 3) try focusing on the faith of such people and not the sin; 4) the fullness of church teaching includes every Catholic’s right to an informed individual conscience; 5) try ministering to the entire spectrum of Catholics and just the trads and the cons; while church teaching is important so too is the Gospel message of Jesus Christ and his ministry to those at the margins; 6) this and many other Catholic diocese’s in this country are doing a great job of emptying out our church; and 7) read my recent piece on Pope Benedict. https://outreach.faith/2023/01/im-an-lgbtq-catholic-activist-who-invites-you-to-see-the-goodness-of-pope-benedict-xvi/

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We need to welcome ALL people to our parishes so that they have the opportunity to hear the truth and conform their lives to the Gospel. Thanks for the part you play in proclaiming that truth!

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